Summer 2 W5 Tuesday

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16 Responses to Summer 2 W5 Tuesday

  1. islaa says:

    The great paper caper

    1. The bears where in order in tiny, small, medium and large.
    2. because the teddy is not real
    3. The polar bear is moody.
    4.When they where in court i found it funny.
    5. The scenes where taking place in a forest.
    6. they where suspect’s

  2. rahma says:

    This is for my literacy.I notice about the bears is that they are in order from smallest to youngest.Hope you like my answer! XOXO Amana! P.S I did not notice the teddy bear until I read the question!Bye!

  3. zerrc says:

    Hi miss Gluyas this is one answer of my question!

    I notice the bears are in the line up because they took the branches from the tree.

  4. moudz says:

    one of the bears look mad and the other one looks like He,s normal and not mad like the other one

  5. choir says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas my literacy book is finished so I am going to write it in a new book.

  6. ullaa says:

    hi miss just to let you know my dad got my home learning pack and and my answer for the first question is that the bears go from the smallest to tallest

  7. choir says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas I am going to comment on literacy for today.
    I notice that the Polar bear is crossing it’s arms and looking at the brown bear angrily.
    from Rougayatou

  8. wahii1 says:

    They are lined up to the smallest to the largest.

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