Wednesday 16th September – Year 2 Homework

Hello Year 2!

Your homework for this week is as follows:

Literacy / Topic.

Click on the link below and complete one activity from the grid:

Aut 1 project sheet

The Marbles in Jars sheet can be downloaded here:

Aut 1 Maths Marbles in a Jar

If it is a writing task, complete it in your Literacy homework book (yellow one).  If it is a creative task, then bring in what you do separately.  If it is a Maths task, complete it in your Maths homework book (blue one).

Please bring in what you do on Wednesday 23rd September.

As well as completing your homework, please practise your 2x, 5x and 10x times tables and enjoy reading for at least 20 minutes each day!

Miss Cooley

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