Author Archives: dboric
Year 1 Last week of term
Good morning Year One!
Where did the time go? This is our last week of Summer One term, and this weird school year is galloping to its end. What absolute stars you have all been! I can’t wait to see you and tell you all this in person.
A huge well done to the following children who emailed me their photos/ homework, who commented on our blog, who sent their Busy Things activities: Cassius, Quratulain, Layla, Hana, Musa, Faria, Leonor, Jayjay, Jessica, Cian, Najah!
Your Monday learning looks like this:
P.E with Joe
Literacy: By now you know the story quite well. Your task for today is to think about friendship and write your thoughts on these questions:
Why is friendship so important?
What makes a good friend?
How can we help each other?
What would you do for your friend?
Write this in your literacy book please!
Phonics: We practiced a lot of phase 4 and now is the time to move to phase 5! practice grapheme ay on Buried treasure game!
Maths: From your packs take sheet Week 4, One Half.
Also, watch this video clip:
R.E. Check Trevor’s RE blog
You also have 2 Busy Things Activities!
Enjoy your day!
I will be calling you today to check if everything is OK .
Lots of love
Ms. Boric
Good Morning Year One!
Yeah, It’s Friday! Can you imagine one more week and it is half term! Well, you have been working hard , so you deserve a break! Especially these children, who have been posting their photos and commenting on our blog: Jayjay, Cian, Quratulain, Calum, Jessica, Leonor, Layla, Musa, Leonardo, Hana, Najah and Faria!
Make sure you check new photos on Year 1 Home Learning page! Just move right to the next page! And don’t forget to read Miss. Ascough’s letter on the school website!
Today’s learning:
P.E with Joe
Literacy: The boy needs your help!
He has found a penguin, but what should he do to help it find its home? You need to write a set of instructions to help him out! Follow the Story! For example: First go to the harbour!
Find a ship for….
Write a list of at list 6 instructions!
If you are not sure what the instructions are check this link:
Maths: Make doubles ( 2 sheets from your home pack)- White Rose
You also have 2 activities on Busy Things!
Have a great day and a lovely weekend!
Lots of love
from Ms. Boric
Year 1 Week 5 Thursday
Good Morning Year One!
Thank you everyone for sending me your emails, photos, blog comments and for the Busy Things assignments. I am pleased to hear that you like our new story Lost and Found, we will keep working on it for the next few days. Please share your thoughts and comments on our blog.
Well done to Hana, Jessica, Quratulain, Leonor, Faria, Najah, Musa, Jayjay and Cian for sending your activities! Come on boys! You can do it! Let’s see how many boys will be active tomorrow!
Your Thursday activities:
Well done everyone who made a poster for their lost toy yesterday. I would like you to read and listen to the story again today so that you can be ready for the following activity:
Think about where home is for different animals? Where is home for our penguin? Write it in a comment for our blog! Do the rest of the activity in your Literacy book!
We are playing phase 4, choose your game!
Maths: You have 2 sheets to do your doubles to 2o
Do you think you know your 2 times table?
Keep practicing!
Art: Watch the video and have fun!
Have a great day!
Year 1 Week 5 Wednesday
Good morning Year One!
Yesterday we had the highest number of children who sent their assignments and the highest number of children who commented on our blog! You are fantastic! Keep up with your hard work! Well done goes to: Quratulain, Cassius, Cian, Jessica, Leonardo, Faria, Calum, Leonor, Musa, Hana, Najah , Jayjay and Jaky.
I can’t tell you how proud of you I am!
Your activities for today:
P.E with Joe
Literacy- Yesterday was our last lesson from the Pig the Pug and How to be a Dog books. I know that many of you enjoyed these sessions and therefore produced some fantastic writing. Today we move to another book called Lost and Found and the process of learning will be slightly different. I would like you to read the book and watch the video on
Please first copy all these words and find the meaning of the new words.
Think what might happen if one of your favourite toys got lost? You would need to create a poster to help find it! How could you describe your toy to help people to find it? Choose your favourite toy and write a list of adjectives to describe it, for example: large, fluffy, soft, brown etc. Please include a picture!
Maths: Choose a sheet Ladybird doubles from your pack where you need to draw the dots and write an answer.
History: Learn about Knights
You also have an activity on Busy Things!
Reading: No Tricks Gran
Have a great day!
Lots of love from Ms. Boric
Year 1 Week 5 Tuesday
Good morning Year One!
It was so lovely to talk to all of you yesterday! You made me laugh and giggle and I can’t wait to see you! I wonder if I will recognise you! Some of you have grown so tall!
Here is a challenge for you! Ask your parents to help measure your height, and let me know how tall are you in the comments bellow!
Well done to these busy bees who sent me their activities on Busy Things or via email: Jessica, Jayjay, Cian, Quratulain, Faria, Jaky, Leonor, Calum, Leonardo, Hana, Najah and Cassius.
Your learning for today:
P.E. with Joe
Literacy : This is our last session of Pig the Pug videos! Today you will write a poem about tricks that make your human entertained! Have Fun!
Maths: Choose a second sheet from White Rose week 3 about doubling and then write these answers in your book!
Science: Are you ready for some experiments?
Check this one out!
Tell me if you found this book difficult to read!
You also have 2 activities on Busy Things!
Have a great day!
Love from Ms. Boric!
Year 1 Week 5 Monday
Good morning Year One!
I hope you had a lovely and relaxing long weekend and that you enjoyed spending it with your loved ones. I marked VE Day by watching some movies about that historic time and was thinking how in 50 years time children across the world will be marking a Corona Day in memory of all of you who were brave and worked diligently on your assignments as part of your home learning!
I am so very proud of each and every one of you and it always gives me pleasure to mention your names. Last week the children who sent their activities, photos or comments on our blog were: Jayjay, Cian, Faria, Najah, Jessica, Quratulain, Musa, Jaky, Cassius, Leonor,Calum and Hana.
Cian and Calum, I hope you read Miss. Ascough’s newsletter on Friday!
Your learning for today starts with:
PE. with Joe
Literacy: Today you will be writing about finding a place for your pet to sleep in.
Maths: Check the first sheet of week 3, learn what the difference is between columns and rows and complete the table on the bottom of the sheet.
R.E : Please check Mrs Legg’s blog
You also have 2 activities on Busy Things.
Have a great day!
Lots of love
Ms. Boric
Year 1 Week 3 Thursday
Good morning Year One!
VE Day Remembrance and Celebration
It’s a Bank Holiday tomorrow and as there will be no post tomorrow, our learning for today will be a bit different than usual.
Friday 8th May is the 75th anniversary of VE Day. VE Day is also known as Victory in Europe Day and marks the day towards the end of World War Two. To help remember the soldiers who fought and celebrate this milestone, we have put together a number of different activities.
If you can, please send in some photos of how you have chosen to celebrate VE Day. I would love to see what you have been doing!
But first of all a huge well done to Najah, Jessica, Calum, Jayjay, Hana, Cian, Leonor, Cassius and Faria for completing your activities on Busy Things.
Next week I would really like to see more of you commenting on our blog.
Your learning for today:
In Maths I would like you to cut out your caterpillars and order them along the leaves.
In Phonics play phase 4
We will continue with our Pig the Pug sequencing next week and instead of that I would like you to have a go at some of the activities below: (you do not have to do all of them!!)… – Video and information about VE Day – What is it, when is it and why do we remember? – Horrible Histories VE Day song that the children can join in with. VE Day.
Reading: The Ox and the Yak by Julia Donaldson
You also have 2 activities on Busy Things!
Enjoy your weekend!
Lots of love
Ms. Boric
Year 1 Week 3 Wednesday
Good morning Year One!
It was great to talk to some of you today and yesterday and to find out how you are spending your days and how much all of you are missing school. Just like I am missing all of you!
Well done to Cassius, Jessica, Quratulain, Faria, Jayjay, Cian, Musa, Leonor, Hana, Najah and Jaky for sending me your assignments! And thank you to Cian, Leonor and Hana for commenting on your learning about the wind!
Your learning today starts at 9:00 with Joe Wicks on:
9.40 – 10.20 am Literacy
Today you are creating your booklet on how to choose your human!
10.20 -10.40 Phonics
Phase 4 on
10.40 – 11.00 Break
From your pack choose the sheet Draw and Measure Lines.
You also have an activity on Busy Things!
12.00 – 1.00 Lunch
1.00 – 1.30 Spelling
1.30 – 2.30 History Check you grid and copy this link.
You also have an activity on Busy Things!
2.30- 3.00 Reading