Happy New Year to Year 1

        Dear Parents, Carers and Children!

  New Year 2021 images

We hope you are all had a well deserved and restful break and that you have managed to spent it with your loved ones. With regret we have to say that due to the Government announcement on 30th of December 2020 we will be reverting to remote learning from Tuesday, 5th January 2021. We can’t stress enough the importance of children’s learning and wellbeing during these difficult times, but we are convinced that with your help we will manage to do our best to support them.

After parent feedback following Year 1s bubble closure in November we hope to make Year 1 remote learning more easily accessible and therefore Year 1 home learning will no longer be on google classroom. All instructions will be posted daily on the class blog and we will explain to you all the details about how to access it  through our phone calls to you. Children will work on the worksheets provided in their learning packs and for the afternoon activities you will be given  the topic grid with the appropriate links to follow. Some of you are already familiar with this way of learning  as we introduced it during the first lock down.

For each working day please give your child the following sheets to complete:

1 Handwriting sheet

1 Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Sheet

1 Writing sheet

1 Reading Comprehension

2/3 Maths sheets ( each daily lesson contains 2 or 3 sheets

For the afternoon activity choose 1 subject from the grid according to our weekly timetable.

Please make sure you read with your child every evening for at least 10 minutes. Links to reading on line will also be added on the blog as well some daily warm ups from Joe Wicks.

Year One team



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