Hola chicos “Como estas? estoy maravilloso, estoy estupendo…Ask someone in your family “Como estas? ” teach them the next song.
Martes 5 de Enero, 2021
L.o: to describe the weather in London.
Revise the next question and answer: “Donde vives? Vivo en Londres, Inglaterra. ( where do you live? I live in London, England.)”
Check the song and learn the new vocabulary.
Como esta el clima en Londres? what is the weather like?
esta soleado= it is sunny
esta lluvioso= it is rainy
esta ventoso= it is windy
esta nublado= it is cloudy
es un dia hermoso= it is a beautiful
esta caluroso= it is hot
esta frio= it is cold
esta neblinoso= bad weather
esta nevando= it is snowy
Check the next flash cards and increase your vocabulary
Choose 3 pictures and write a sentence for each one. You can download and color or you can draw . You need to write for each one the next sentences in Spanish (click below to find your pictures).
“Hola, me llamo _______(name/make up a name for each child). Vivo en Londres.
Hoy _______________y_____________( choose the best two words to describe the weather, use previous vocabulary).”
Bring your pictures when the school is opening. We will glue them in our Spanish book.
MR Valenzuela.