Author Archives: Deleted User
Happy Friday everyone!
Today is Friday 3rd of April.
I hope you are still doing fine!
Does anyone know what time of the year is coming? It’s EASTER!
During Easter we celebrated that long ago Jesus resurrected and, as a symbol of his resurrection, we decorate eggs and make an egg hunt! There is a little character called “the Easter bunny” who comes every year and hide our eggs! Have a look to this song about him, and make sure to dance along!
Remember to pay a visit to Mr Gonzalo’s blog, there are some wonderful Spanish activities there waiting to be done.
After this two weeks you’ll have new home learning packs so be prepared.
Keep safe and keep making good choices at home.
Happy Thursday everyone!
Today is Thursday 2nd of April.
How is everyone doing? Yesterday I was on youtube and found some wonderful videos for relaxation like the ones we watched in The Village, have a look!
Also! Miss Ascough has put an amazing post about going on a bear hunt! click this link and see what is it about
I hope that everyone is still doing well, keep safe and be good!
Happy Wednesday everyone!
Today is Wednesday 1st of April.
What wonderful weather we are having! Remember to get some sunshine even if you are not going outside. Get energy from the sun!
Have you visited the Bubble time video in the blog? You can do that clicking in “bubble time” instead of “the Village”, there are some very interesting post in there.
Here is an example, a story explaining our current situation, have a look!
Be safe and keep being good!
Happy Friday everyone!
Today is Friday the 27th of March.
How is everyone doing? I am doing fine. I try to spend some time reading a little bit, cleaning my room and playing some music.
There are some assignments in Busy things, this time you can do them over the weekend too.
Ah, If you want to practice Spanish songs, Mr Gonzalo showed me a link for you to explore have a look!
There are some games in Busy things that look interesting, go to computing -> early coding and try some of them.
Remember that the next post will be on Monday, so be safe and busy this weekend!
Happy Thursday everyone!!
Today is Thursday the 26th of March.
How are you doing today? I’m doing fine, keeping myself busy with a book yesterday, now is the time to do lots of reading!
As everyday, you have some assignments at Busy Things. Today you can do Math and literacy as always and some Spanish too! I also have assign an art project in case you want to get creative.
There are some work that I like you to do to practice in Math go to addition and subtraction and in English go to handwriting and presentation; there are some good games for you to practice.
Also! Miss Alcough has created a blog too, I will let you know when she add something new but feel free to check it yourself.
Have a nice day and be safe!!
Happy Wednesday everyone!
Today is Wednesday 25th of March.
How are you doing today? I have been cooking a lot these days, it’s a good way to keep me busy and I am learning a lot of new recipes!
Here are a few recipes in case you want to try any:
First click on the recipe you like, then you will see a page with the ingredients, directions and other info, have fun trying one:
Ah! Don’t forget to keep an eye on Busy things, there are lots of activities there assigned for you to keep learning.
There are some great games to practice your letters and sounds, click Key stage 1 -> The Village -> English -> phonics programme -> Basic letters and sounds -> Letters and their sounds.
Have a great day today, make sure to drink a lot of water, wash your hands and be safe!
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Today is Tuesday the 24th of March.
How are you doing? You may feel anxious or confused these days but remember to have some options available if you need to regulate. Here are some options you can do:
- Squeeze something.
- Count to 10.
- Have a time out to think.
- Lay down for a bit.
And remember to have plenty of sleep and eat healthy too! Now is the time to pay attention to our diet and routines. I’m having plenty of fruit (I love oranges :D) and drinking a lot of water, I hope you too!
Again, try to take a look at Busy things and keep yourself busy! There are some activities and games; if you enter in English and then Handwriting, there is a game called alphabet tracing that is really interesting.
Keep safe and be good!
Good morning and happy Monday everyone!
Hello! Today is Monday the 23rd of March
Did you have a good weekend?
I have been practising with my ukulele and doing some exercise at home.
There are some activities in Busy things for you, you will have new activities until Friday. I hope that you are working well with your home learning packs, ask mum or dad if you need help!
In case you are feeling a little anxious and need a little movement break here are some exercises we all can do:
- Walking around ————– 40 seconds.
- Jumping ———————- 20 seconds.
- Hopping with on leg ——— 30 seconds each leg.
- Crawling ———————- 40 seconds.
- Swimming in the floor —— 40 seconds.
- Stretching all the body —— 20 second.
Even doing only some of them you can feel better!!
Have fun today, keep washing your hands a lot and be safe :D.
Hello Day 2!
Hello everyone, how are you doing today?
I had a busy day at home, I tidied up a little bit and prepare a work station to do all my work. I suggest you do the same to work well!
I heard some of you are doing great with the home learning pack, well done! There are more activities for you in “Busy Things”.
To log in Busy Things remember to click in Key stage one, then in The Village and there you can find My assignments. Keep working hard, make good decisions and be safe.
See you soon,
Welcome to our blog!
Dear Joey, Sara, Edwaldeeh and Eliot.
Welcome to the blog of THE VILLAGE, here you or your parents can ask me any question about your home learning packs or any other doubt you may have.
Before your message appear it has to be moderated, so don’t worry if it takes a while.
I hope everyone is well and safe, remember to wash your hands if you are coming from outside.
Keep safe and I hope we see each other soon.