Category Archives: Spanish with Mr Gonzalo

Hola Year 4, Hoy es Jueves 2 de Julio,2020.

Buenos dias a todos, we have a new topic for this week, “Aire”-air. Let’s start singing “Los pulmones”-The lungs…Learn this song.


Check the lyrics:

¡Inhala! ¡Exhala!= inhale -exhale

¡Inhala y exhala!

¡Inhala! ¡Exhala!


¡Somos los pulmones! ¡Sí!= we are the lungs, yes!


Pulmones se agrandan.= lungs are big


Pulmones se achican. lungs are small

Sopla un globo y sale aire del pulmón= blow a balloon and the air goes out from your lungs

¡A respirar! ¡Somos pulmones!= let’s breathe, we are the lungs!!!

Activity: L.O: to learn transports in Spanish. To use ver to travel – VIAJAR- Yo viajo…= I travel…. Click and check the transports…



You will visit these countries: Francia, Espana, Alemania (Germany), China, Italia, Grecia, Chile, Brazil. You need to use transports in Spanish. Follow my example: Yo voy a Chile, Yo viajo en el avion y en el bus.(I go to Chile, I travel by plane and bus).

  1. Yo voy a ______(country), Yo viajo en________y_________

  2. Yo voy….

Art Activity:

L.O:to make your own paper aeroplane.

Get members of your family to make one too and hold a competition.

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Hola Year 2 and Year 5, Hoy es Miercoles 1 de Julio,2020.

Buenos dias a todos, we have a new topic for this week, “Aire”-air. Let’s start singing “Los pulmones”-The lungs…Learn this song.

Check the lyrics:

¡Inhala! ¡Exhala!= inhale -exhale

¡Inhala y exhala!

¡Inhala! ¡Exhala!


¡Somos los pulmones! ¡Sí!= we are the lungs, yes!


Pulmones se agrandan.= lungs are big


Pulmones se achican. lungs are small

Sopla un globo y sale aire del pulmón= blow a balloon and the air goes out from your lungs

¡A respirar! ¡Somos pulmones!= let’s breathe, we are the lungs!!!

Year 2 activity: L.O: to name transports in Spanish. Click and learn …



Activity: complete the following sentences. You need to use a transport in Spanish. Follow my example” Yo viajo en autobus y en el avion” – I travel by bus and plane”

  1. Mi madre viaja en ________y en________

  2. Mi padre viaja en ________y en_________

  3. Mi hermano viaja en ________y en_________

  4. Mi perro viaja en ______y en_________

Me llamo______, yo viajo en ________y en___________

Extension: check and guess…

Guess the transport


Year 5 activity: Learn the song (above).

Activity: L.O: to name transports in Spanish. To use verb to travel – VIAJAR- Yo viajo…= I travel…. Click and check the transports…

Yo viajo….=I travel

Tu viajas…=You travel

El viaja…= He travels

nosotros/tras viajamos= we travel

ellos/ ellas viajan= they travel



You will visit these countries: Francia, Espana, Alemania (Germany), China, Italia, Grecia, Chile, Brazil. You need to use transports in Spanish. Follow my example: Yo voy a Chile, Yo viajo en el avion y en el bus.(I go to Chile, I travel by plane and bus). For each pronoun ,you need to write a sentence.

Yo voy a _____(place), yo viajo en _______,_________y_______(trasports)

Tu vas a_______, tu viajas en_________,________y_________

El va a_______, El viaja en________,_______y________

Ella va a______, Ella viaja en ______,______y_______

Nosotros vamos a _______, Nosotros viajamos en _______,_____y_______

Ellos van a______, Ellos viajan en ______,______y__________

Make your own paper aeroplane.

Get members of your family to make one too and hold a competition.

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Hola Year 1 and Year 6, Hoy es Martes 30 de Junio,2020

Buenos dias a todos, we have a new topic for this week, “Aire”-air. Let’s start singing “Los pulmones”-The lungs…Learn this song.

Check the lyrics:

¡Inhala! ¡Exhala!= inhale -exhale

¡Inhala y exhala!

¡Inhala! ¡Exhala!


¡Somos los pulmones! ¡Sí!= we are the lungs, yes!


Pulmones se agrandan.= lungs are big


Pulmones se achican. lungs are small

Sopla un globo y sale aire del pulmón= blow a balloon and the air goes out from your lungs

¡A respirar! ¡Somos pulmones!= let’s breathe, we are the lungs!!!

Year 1 activity: L.O: to name transports in Spanish. Click and learn …



Download the next activity or you can draw. Classify transports “tiene ruedas”= with wheels, “no tiene ruedas” no wheels. You need to cut and glue. Write the names of the transports in Spanish. Write below each picture.



Year 6 activity: Learn the song (above).

Activity: L.O: to name transports in Spanish. To use verb to travel – VIAJAR- Yo viajo…= I travel…. Click and check the transports…

Yo viajo….=I travel

Tu viajas…=You travel

El viaja…= He travels

nosotros/tras viajamos= we travel

ellos/ ellas viajan= they travel


Check the transports.


You will visit these countries: Francia, Espana, Alemania (Germany), China, Italia, Grecia, Chile, Brazil. You need to use transports in Spanish. Follow my example: Yo voy a Chile, Yo viajo en el avion y en el bus.(I go to Chile, I travel by plane and bus). For each pronoun ,you need to write a sentence.

Yo voy a _____(place), yo viajo en _______,_________y_______(trasports)

Tu vas a_______, tu viajas en_________,________y_________

El va a_______, El viaja en________,_______y________

Ella va a______, Ella viaja en ______,______y_______

Nosotros vamos a _______, Nosotros viajamos en _______,_____y_______

Ellos van a______, Ellos viajan en ______,______y__________

Make your own paper aeroplane.

Get members of your family to make one too and hold a competition.

Posted in Spanish with Mr Gonzalo | Leave a comment

Hola Year 3, Buenos días!!! Hoy es 29 de Junio,2020.

Hola chicos, we have a new topic for this week, “Aire”-air. Let’s start singing “Los pulmones”-The lungs…Learn this song.

Check the lyrics:

¡Inhala! ¡Exhala!= inhale -exhale

¡Inhala y exhala!

¡Inhala! ¡Exhala!


¡Somos los pulmones! ¡Sí!= we are the lungs, yes!


Pulmones se agrandan.= lungs are big


Pulmones se achican. lungs are small

Sopla un globo y sale aire del pulmón= blow a balloon and the air goes out from your lungs

¡A respirar! ¡Somos pulmones!= let’s breathe, we are the lungs!!!

Activity: L.O: to learn transports in Spanish. To use ver to travel – VIAJAR- Yo viajo…= I travel…. Click and check the transports…



You will visit these countries: Francia, Espana, Alemania (Germany), China, Italia, Grecia, Chile, Brazil. You need to use transports in Spanish. Follow my example: Yo voy a Chile, Yo viajo en el avion y en el bus.(I go to Chile, I travel by plane and bus).

Art Activity:

L.O:to make your own paper aeroplane.

Get members of your family to make one too and hold a competition.

Posted in Spanish with Mr Gonzalo | Leave a comment

Hola Reception and Nursery!!! Hoy es Viernes 26 de Junio,2020.

Buenos dias hoy hace calor y hace sol! Que tiempo hace? – Today is hot and sunny!!! What is the weather like?… Check the video…


Reception and Nursery activity: L.O: to sing and name the planets.

  1. Como te llamas? Me llamo______(your name)

   2. Cuantos anos tienes? tengo___anos. (how old are you? I am ___years.

Check the numbers…



Let’s check the planets,click below. Ask someone  to help you.



Now, let’s see the video. Try to join the singing and try to name at least 3 planets in Spanish.


Colouring activity: you can download or you can draw your planets. Click below…

Colouring picture

Story time: ask someone at home to read this story for you…Click below…

Story time

Adios, do your activities!!!

MR. Valenzuela


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Hola Year 4, Hoy es Jueves 25 de Junio,2020

Buenos dias!!! me gustan los planetas!!! -I like planets. Que planeta  te gusta?me gusta…(choose a planet). Let’s check the video and learn more new words…

Year 4 activity: L.O: to name and describe the planets in Spanish. Click and learn facts about the planets.



Activity: you need to learn the song about the planets. Check  above. Then, you need to draw “El Sistema Solar”. You need to label the planets with their names in Spanish. You have to add 2 facts about each planet (in English). Write below each planet.



Check my Solar System in English…(You can follow my example or you can download it).

Label the solar system

Do your activity, Adios MR. Valenzuela

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Hola year 2 and Year 5, hoy es Miercoles 24 de Junio,2020

Buenos dias!!! me gustan los planetas!!! -I like planets. Que planeta  te gusta?me gusta…(choose a planet). Let’s check the video and learn more new words…

Year 2 activity: This week our topic is “El Espacio”- The Space. L.O: to name the planets -“El Sistema Solar”. Click and read. You can ask someone to help you.


Activity: You need to draw the Solar system– El Sistema Solar. You can download or you can draw. You need to write a sentence for each planet (use colors: azul, verde, rojo, amarillo,blanco, negro, violeta, naranja, marron, brillante=shiny), for example: “La tierra es azul y verde”. “El Sol es amarillo”Earth is blue and green. Extension: try to learn the song.

Label the solar system

Year 5 activity: L.O: to name and describe the planets in Spanish. Click and learn facts about the planets.


Activity: you need to learn the song about the planets. Check  above. Then, you need to draw “El Sistema Solar”. You need to label the planets with their names in Spanish. You have to add 2 facts about each planet (in English). Write below each planet.



Check my Solar System in English…

Label the solar system

Do your activities, Adios, MR. Valenzuela



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Hola!!! Year 1 and Year 6, Hoy es Martes 23 de Junio,2020.

Buenos dias!!! me gusta comer frutas y vegetales!!! -I like eating fruits and vegetables. Que fruta o vegetal te gusta? Let’s check the video and learn more new words…

Year 1 activity: This week our topic is “El Espacio”- The Space.L.O: to learn a new song about “El Sistema Solar”. Click and read. You can ask someone to help you. .


I want you to say the names of the planets loud , very loud.

Now it is time to learn a new song:

“Los Planetas”

¡Subamos al cielo! (Let’s go to the space)

¡Veamos nuestro sistema solar! (let’s see our solar system)


Mercurio, Venus, (Mercury, Venus)

Tierra y Marte. (Earth and Mars)

Júpiter, Saturno, ¡Qué grandes! (Jupiter , Saturn , they are big)

Urano, Neptuno Bien redondos. (Uranus, Neptune, they are rounded)

¡Todos juntos! ¡Ocho planetas! (all together they are 8 planets)

Pequeño Mercurio. (small Mercury)

Chico. (small)

Tan brillante Venus. Brillante. (Venus is so bright, very bright)

Verde, azul la Tierra. (green ,blue the Earth)

¡Te amo! Rojo y seco Marte. ¡Maravilloso! ( I love  red and dry Mars)

Maravilloso (wonderful)


Mercurio, Venus, (mercury, Venus)

Tierra y Marte.(Earth and Mars)

Júpiter, Saturno ¡Qué grandes! (Jupiter, Saturn , they are big)

Urano, Neptuno. Bien redondos. (Uranus, Neptune , they are rounded)

¡Todos juntos! ¡Ocho planetas! (all together , 8 planets)


Super, super, duper, (super)

Júpiter. ¡Soy grande! (Jupiter I am big)

Ula-ula lindo Saturno ¡Ula-ula! Lleno de gases, ( Saturn full of gases)

Urano. ¡Je, je! Lejos del Sol, (Uranus far away from the sun)

Neptuno. ¡Qué lejos! (Neptune , it is si far away)


Mercurio, Venus,

Tierra y Marte

Júpiter, Saturno, ¡Qué grandes!

Urano, Neptuno. Bien redondos.

Un Dos Tres Cuatro Cinco Seis Siete

¡Ocho Planetas!

Year 6 activity: L.O: to name the planets in Spanish. Click and learn facts about the planets.


Activity: you need to learn the song about the planets. Check Year 1 activity above. Then, you need to draw “El Sistema Solar”. You need to label the planets with their names in Spanish. You have to add 2 facts about each planet (in English). Write below each planet.


Check my Solar System in English…

Label the solar system


Adios, MR. Valenzuela

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Hola Year 3 , Hoy es Lunes 22 de Junio,2020.

Hola como están ? yo feliz at the school, mi fruta favorita es la sandia -watermelon, Cual es tu fruta favorita? Check the video and choose 3…

Year 3 activity: L.O: to name ande describe “Los Planetas”. Check the planets and read, you will learn a lot about them…



Now check the vocabulary in Spanish…


Activity: you need to draw “El Sistema Solar Y los planetas” and describe it ( the planets , the sun , the moon- La Luna and the stars- Las estrellas.). You need to use colours (rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, blanco, negro, violeta, naranja, marron, rosa, gris ) . Adjectives: grande, pequeno, feo, bonito, maravilloso, fantastico, brillante (shiny), misterioso, espectacular. Follow “mi ejemplo”-my example: ” La tierra es verde, azul , grande y fantastica” _ Earth is green, blue, big and fantastic”.

Art: L.O: to create and build my own “Solar System Mobile”. Check the instructions below. You can download or you can create your own system. You need to write the name of the planet and one fact about it. You write on one face of the planet.


Do your activities, Adios, MR. Valenzuela.


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Hola chicos , Que tal? yo muy feliz!!! Hoy Viernes 19 de Junio,2020

Buenos dias!!! Hoy es Viernes 19 de JUnio,2020. Que dia es hoy? hoy es  Viernes- What day is today? it is Friday. Let’ s sing the days of the week…

Reception and nursery: L.O: to learn places around London. Check and follow the song and discover amazing places in Londres. Ask someone at home to help you!!! Discover how to say in Spanish:

  1. The London Bridge

  2. The London eye

  3. The Big ben

Bus de Londres- (London bus)

El puente de Londres va a caer, va a caer, va a caer. (the London bridge is falling down, falling down).

El puente de Londres va a caer. Mi bella dama. (The London bridge is falling down, my beautiful lady)

El reloj Big Ben hace tic-tac-toc, tic-tac-toc. El reloj Big Ben hace ti-qui, ta-ca, tic-toc. (the Big Ben says tic tac toc)

Miembros de la Guardia Real marchan, marchan, marchan, marchan. (royal guards march, march, march)

Miembros de la Guardia Real. ¡Izquierda, derecha y paren! (Royal guards, left, right and stop)

El ojo de Londres vueltas da, vueltas da. El ojo de Londres. Amo Londres. (The London eye rounds and rounds, I love London).

¡Amamos Londres!

Try to learn and sing the song

Check the next video and find out more about London

Adios , Do your activities!!! Mr. Gonzalo

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