Hola!!! Year 1 and Year 6, Hoy es Martes 23 de Junio,2020.

Buenos dias!!! me gusta comer frutas y vegetales!!! -I like eating fruits and vegetables. Que fruta o vegetal te gusta? Let’s check the video and learn more new words…

Year 1 activity: This week our topic is “El Espacio”- The Space.L.O: to learn a new song about “El Sistema Solar”. Click and read. You can ask someone to help you. .


I want you to say the names of the planets loud , very loud.

Now it is time to learn a new song:

“Los Planetas”

¡Subamos al cielo! (Let’s go to the space)

¡Veamos nuestro sistema solar! (let’s see our solar system)


Mercurio, Venus, (Mercury, Venus)

Tierra y Marte. (Earth and Mars)

Júpiter, Saturno, ¡Qué grandes! (Jupiter , Saturn , they are big)

Urano, Neptuno Bien redondos. (Uranus, Neptune, they are rounded)

¡Todos juntos! ¡Ocho planetas! (all together they are 8 planets)

Pequeño Mercurio. (small Mercury)

Chico. (small)

Tan brillante Venus. Brillante. (Venus is so bright, very bright)

Verde, azul la Tierra. (green ,blue the Earth)

¡Te amo! Rojo y seco Marte. ¡Maravilloso! ( I love  red and dry Mars)

Maravilloso (wonderful)


Mercurio, Venus, (mercury, Venus)

Tierra y Marte.(Earth and Mars)

Júpiter, Saturno ¡Qué grandes! (Jupiter, Saturn , they are big)

Urano, Neptuno. Bien redondos. (Uranus, Neptune , they are rounded)

¡Todos juntos! ¡Ocho planetas! (all together , 8 planets)


Super, super, duper, (super)

Júpiter. ¡Soy grande! (Jupiter I am big)

Ula-ula lindo Saturno ¡Ula-ula! Lleno de gases, ( Saturn full of gases)

Urano. ¡Je, je! Lejos del Sol, (Uranus far away from the sun)

Neptuno. ¡Qué lejos! (Neptune , it is si far away)


Mercurio, Venus,

Tierra y Marte

Júpiter, Saturno, ¡Qué grandes!

Urano, Neptuno. Bien redondos.

Un Dos Tres Cuatro Cinco Seis Siete

¡Ocho Planetas!

Year 6 activity: L.O: to name the planets in Spanish. Click and learn facts about the planets.


Activity: you need to learn the song about the planets. Check Year 1 activity above. Then, you need to draw “El Sistema Solar”. You need to label the planets with their names in Spanish. You have to add 2 facts about each planet (in English). Write below each planet.


Check my Solar System in English…

Label the solar system


Adios, MR. Valenzuela

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