
Hello year 5,

I hope you are all keeping safe and being sensible over the coming weeks. Keep up with your learning packs and remember to be calm and kind to everyone in your household.

Take care and see you soon.

Mr Roman

See the source image

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14 Responses to 18/03/20

  1. iqraam says:

    Thank you for for the maths homework game thank you and take care and we miss you. Take care. Iqraam

  2. Ayamedj says:

    Hi Mr Roman thank you

    • Ayamedj says:

      Thank you so much for your very lovely comment I hope you relax and keep safe thank you so much youโ€™re a best teacher

  3. Kimora says:

    Ok mr Roman I hope you have a nice time on the holidays and I will be hoping to be seeing you at school and I also hope the Coronavirus will stop by then and then everybody will be able to come to school bye love from Kimora

  4. stephen says:

    struggling with the comprehension can anyone help me ๐Ÿ™‚

    • aroman says:

      I’m sure you can ask for a little bit of help at home and you will solve the problem Stephen. I would suggest reading through again. Take care and speak soon X

  5. stephen says:

    Am I the only one using this Mr Roman is going to be sad ๐Ÿ™

  6. Aisha says:

    I’m great!!!!!!

  7. woody says:

    Hello Mr Roman and year5 I’m doing just fine. I hope you all are well. I miss you guys lots. Love Woody

  8. FAZE ZISHAN says:

    Hi mr roman,
    Ok mr roman I hope you have a nice time on the holiday and i will be hoping to seeing you at school and i hope the coronavirus will stop and thenk for the home work by.

    yours sincerely zishan

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