Happy Wednesday!

Good morning Year 3!

I have noticed only about 5 or 6 people have completed the Busy Things activities that I have put up so please if you haven’t, go onto it and have a go! If you have already, keep going with your home learning packs.

Please also keep commenting on my posts, I really want to hear from you! I’m sure you want to hear from each other too. If you have noticed that one of your friends hasn’t been commenting on the blogs, maybe you could ask a grown-up to send them a message to tell them about our blog posts.

Keep going with your learning packs, it’s Day 5 now! What did we enjoy most in the home learning pack today?

Love Miss Gluyas

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4 Responses to Happy Wednesday!

  1. zerrc says:

    Hello miss Gluyas

  2. Khaleda647 says:

    hello miss Gluyas and year 3 how is your morning?

    • mgluyas says:

      Hi Khaled, my morning has been great! I’ve been given a giant bunny from my housemate and I had a yummy Easter brekky. How has your morning been?

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