Hello Year 6

Hello Year 6!

What a lovely sunny day it is today! How are you all getting on? It was lovely to hear from some of you on my last blog post.

I’m sorry that some of you were missing worksheets the other day- it was a very busy time when I was preparing them! Hopefully you have everything else you need.

If any of you are looking for something extra to keep you occupied, here’s the app I mentioned to you in class when we were talking about learning languages- it’s completely free and you can choose from 35 different languages! (I think Crystal has used it already!)
Its called Duolingo.

You can download it onto phones/ipads.

Just search DUOLINGO in the app store.
You don’t need to set up a profile to use this!

However, if you want to create a profile and save your progress, you will need your parents help- when setting up, after entering your age, it will ask your parents to use their email address. Make sure you get them to do this for you!

Let me know if you give this a go, and if so, what language you choose!

Happy learning!

Laura 🙂

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2 Responses to Hello Year 6

  1. chink says:

    Hey Laura
    How are you?

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