Year 1 Summer 1 Day 2

Good morning Year 1!

It was wonderful to talk to  so many of you yesterday and to be able to hear your voice. I’ m really glad that you are all doing well and that you have spent 2 lovely weeks of holiday.

Well done to Jessica, Callum, Cian, Quaratulain, Leonor, Jacob, Faria and Hana for completing their tasks on Busy Things.

Today’s learning starts with  Joe Wicks.

I would like to apologise to all of you who were unable to access the pobble  link for our literacy lesson yesterday.  We had a technical problem, but it should work  for all of you today. So here is the link:

Then, go to the next lesson with the new Learning Objective  and that will be adding suffixes -ing to the listed verbs.

Your other tasks are on Busy Things.

I hope you are playing the phonics games and having lots of fun on the Phonics Play website

Our story for today is called Every Bunny  Dance

I am looking forward to your comments on our blog!

Have a great day !


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4 Responses to Year 1 Summer 1 Day 2

  1. sellc says:

    Hi Miss Boric,

    Answers for yesterday.
    Healthy is when you feel well.
    Fruit tastes juicy and sweet naturally.
    Protein is something you get from meat that makes you strong.
    Vegetables are full of vitamins and give you energy for running around.
    Calcium is something you get from milk and cheese to help your bones be strong.
    Delicious means something tastes yummy.
    Variety means lots to choose from.


    • dboric says:

      Thank You Cian, for accessing the new website! Your answers are all correct and your spelling is fantastic! Well done!

  2. lobel says:

    Hello ms boric
    These are my sentisis
    I am doing a sandwich in the cichen.
    I am paying a man for cleaning my house.
    I was crying because I didn’t hav a houme.
    In easter I was finding a easter egg.
    I am helping my mum cleaning the house.
    From Leonor

    • dboric says:

      Thank you Leonor for sending your sentences, you have added the -ing suffix correctly. Well done!

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