Summer 1 Week 1 Thursday

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26 Responses to Summer 1 Week 1 Thursday

  1. wahii1 says:

    Hi miss Gluyas,

    Hope you are well. I’m starting to miss everyone in my class.

    from Irfan

    • mgluyas says:

      Hi Irfan, so lovely to hear from you! I’m missing you and everyone in the class so much too. How were your holidays? I didn’t get to speak to you on the phone today.

  2. choir says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas I’m going to show you the paragraph with punctuation.
    On this table, there are lots of wonderful, colorful and delicious tasting fruits and vegetables to try. My favorite is spinach with tomatoes and a tiny block of cheese. My brother thinks spinach is disgusting so he would choose the mushrooms and tomatoes instead.What would you try from this picture?
    I would choose mushroom, sweetcorn and chickpeas.
    XXX from Rougayatou

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas,
    Today I’m making rice pudding with my mum.I am also missing year 3 allot.Hope to see you soon.

  4. howas says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas, this is my literacy homework

    On this table there are lots of wonderful,colourful and delicious tasting fruits and vegetables to try. My favourite is spinach with tomatoes and a tiny block of cheese. My brother thinks spinach is disgusting! So he would choose the mushrooms and tomatoes instead. What would you try from this picture?

    xxx from Sophie

  5. howas says:

    Hi miss Gluyas where is the banana recipe

  6. ijazl says:

    Hello Year 3
    Here is my pobble work:

    On this table there are lots of wonderful, colourful and delicious tasting fruits and vegetables to try. My favourite is spinach with tomatoes and a tiny block of cheese. My brother thinks spinach is disgusting so he would choose the mushrooms and tomatoes instead. What would you try from this picture?

    Lots of love

  7. blacl says:

    On this table, there are lots of wonderful, colourful and delicious tasting fruits and vegetables to try. My favourite is spinach with tomatoes and a tiny block of cheese. My brother thinks spinach is disgusting, so he would choose the mushrooms and tomatoes instead. What would you try from this picture?

  8. blacl says:

    Have you seen my pictures my mum has emailed to you?

    • mgluyas says:

      The pictures go to the school and Miss Ascough and Miss Cooley decide what goes on the website, so I will have a look as soon as they are uploaded!

  9. blacl says:

    I can’t find the recipe on busy things?

  10. rahma says:

    Hi miss gluyas, hope you are doing well.

    From Amana

    • mgluyas says:

      I am doing very well Amana, I’ve just spent all day at school printing the learning packs and getting them ready for you guys! How are you doing?

  11. mcead says:

    Hello Miss Gluyas.
    How are you? I’m fine.

    I’m going to now show you my sentences for today ;
    When my dad and I go shopping, we look for the most biggest and juiciest fruits.
    Whilst we were out, I also look for vegetables.
    If I like the vegetables, I will pick them and my dad buys them for him and I.

    Please tell me the movie we were meant to watch again before Easter?

    • mgluyas says:

      Hi Dominic, I’m doing well! Great use of commas in your sentences. We were going to watch The Croods because it’s based during the Stone Age. If you watch it, let us know how it was!

  12. dabba says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas,

    I miss you and all of my class

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