Thursday 30th April 2020

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13 Responses to Thursday 30th April 2020

  1. layla says:

    Hi mr Roman, my literacy lesson/video is not letting me play it. Can you please post the link or repost the video so I can do the lesson.
    Thank you.

  2. layla says:

    hi mr roman, Thank you so much for fixing the literacy lesson/video.

  3. layla says:

    i have done all my homework and I enjoyed it.

  4. woody says:

    Hello Mr Roman
    The Egyptian maths was so much fun but today I can’t go out because it’s hammering down out side so I’m stuck inside. I hope to see you soon!

    • aroman says:

      Great to hear Woody. Yes, it can be frustrating when it’s raining all day! Keep up the good work!

  5. Kimora says:

    Happy Birthday Isabella

  6. Aamilah says:

    Happy birthday Bella!!

  7. Retaj says:

    Mr Roman can I write To make the world a better place paragraph in my b in my book

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