Home Learning Packs W3 Thursday

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23 Responses to Home Learning Packs W3 Thursday

  1. choir says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas I commented on my ecological footprint yesterday but it did not come up so I am doing it again today and I hope it will come up this time!
    My score is 45,
    to improve I could use more energy saving light bulbs, use less public transport so I can ride my bike more and buy more food with less packaging.
    XXXXXXXXXX from Rougayatou

  2. choir says:

    For literacy the difference is that the girl in my story keeps the camera.
    I really miss you from Rougayatou

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas,
    I have done my math and spelling already and I am working on my literacy right now. Is it really your birthday tomorrow?!
    If it is happy birthday for tomorrow. I am well and so is my family. You know the squishy things I was talking about yesterday my brother added a red one called Ripley and a orange one called Jeff. They are very strange names. I didn’t watch a movie last night but did you? If you did I would love to hear what you watched. I didn’t do Joe Wicks this morning so I haven’t done any exercise today which is sad. For the science yesterday I could only find the first question and I couldn’t find the others so that’s why my science from yesterday was 3. The math for today was hard but the sentences were really hard but I managed to get through it.
    Miss you,bye

    • mgluyas says:

      It is really my birthday tomorrow! I watched Solo, which is another Star Wars movie and now I have just one more to go. Did you have all 3 sheets for the Science? Maybe that is why you couldn’t do it. I did another big bike ride today all around Buckingham Palace and Oxford St today, it was so fun!

  4. lydia says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas,

    My story is carrying on from Flotsam.
    My story is different from flotsam because the girl in the new story takes pictures under water instead of herself.

  5. zerrc says:

    Miss gluyas this is my sentence

    He kept it as a secret, then he saw a girl playing by herself so he only told her about the camera

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas,
    She watched the camera as it floated int the distance.
    Hoped you like my sentence

  7. rahma says:

    Happy birthday miss Gluyas!

  8. howas says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas,

    My story is different to Flotsam because at the end the camera gets broken and no one knows if it will work again.

    from Sophie

  9. choir says:

    Happy birthday Miss Gluyas’
    I hope you have a brilliant birthday with a huge cake to eat and lots of presents to unwrap. Have fun on your special day!!!!!!
    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX from Rougayatou

  10. Khaleda647 says:

    The difference is that the girl takes the camera

  11. Khaleda647 says:

    Do we have to watch star wars if we want to?

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