Home Learning Packs W4 Tuesday

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19 Responses to Home Learning Packs W4 Tuesday

  1. blacl says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas, I hope you had a no weekend. I couldn’t post on here earlier it wouldn’t let me. Anyway I had a nice weekend I made a cake and went on a bike ride through Hyde Park. My literacy sentence is,
    Sally the astronaut saw an asteroid pass the earth.

    • mgluyas says:

      Sounds like a lovely weekend! I see that you were able to post today, which is great. Good sentence too!

  2. choir says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas I am going to tell you my sentence for pobble.
    My mission was nearly complete because I was on the moon.
    XXXX from Rougayatou

  3. howas says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas,

    My sentence is, I reached my destination on the moon.

    from Sophie

  4. blacl says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas, it was nice to speak to youon the phone, this is my literacy sentence.
    No-one question Darcy while her imagination is working.

  5. lydia says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas,

    I hope you are well.
    Here is my sentence:
    The people on earth could suddenly see an ASTRONAUT in space.
    An ASTEROID knocked an ASTRONAUT through space.
    Lots of love
    Lydia xxx

  6. blacl says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas there is no work on busy things is this because we have RE instead today?

    • mgluyas says:

      Correct! I didn’t know that Trevor would be doing another RE lesson this week, that’s why it wasn’t on the timetable 🙂

  7. zerrc says:

    Miss gluyas this is my sentence

    Max had so much emotion because this was his first mission ☺️☺️☺️

  8. wahii1 says:

    Explosions are loud.


  9. nabak says:

    I’m on a mission.

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