Home Learning Packs W4 Friday

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23 Responses to Home Learning Packs W4 Friday

  1. choir says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas I got 10/10 for my spelling!
    XXXXXXXXX from Rougayatou

  2. choir says:

    Hi again Miss Gluyas I am going to tell you about my ending of the story.
    Darcey and her team had to go to Mars to find a special rock that you find only on Mars this rock can heal you if you wear it.
    Darcey succeeded in her mission and went back home.
    XXXXXXXXX from Rougayatou

  3. blacl says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas
    I have been on a bike ride today and I saw, Betty and her family, Elaine and Iris and Rhonda and Wendy from school. Wendy gave me my home learning pack for next term.

    • mgluyas says:

      How lucky you got to see all of those people! Don’t open the new home learning pack until next term okay?

  4. blacl says:

    My ending to the story.
    They all realised that they got their task done really quick because they didn’t want to lose a friend.

  5. dabba says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas,

    This is how my story ends. They graded there spacesuits and went for planet Mars. When they landed they took 3 samples of volcanic rock to the lad.

  6. zerrc says:


    Max got nervous and excited for his first mission he thought he couldn’t do it but he had hope and courage so he went to mars to fix everything up he did and now he believed in himself he went back to earth in his home.

  7. azaan says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas, here is the end of the story,
    “yes Darcy” said her team sleepily.
    “what is wrong, are you tired?” asked Darcy.
    “Yes Darcy, we are extremely tired”, said her team.
    “You did work very hard so go and get some rest”
    “Thank you” the team replied and trudged off to their bunks.

    After an hour or two of sleep, the team awoke and went to Darcy. “Team, I have some very bad news, one of the external panels has been badly damaged and it needs to be replaced urgently so that no oxygen escapes, otherwise we will be at risk of dying which we do not want to happen, and Team, stay safe out there”.

    “Yes Darcy” said her team and they they put on their space suits. They went to locate the spare panel and they also collected the necessary tools and carried out the repair. After they were back inside they made coffee and toasted each other on their success in replacing the panel

    Miss Gluyas i hope you have a good holiday and thank you for all your hard work from Azaan. 🙂

  8. ullaa says:

    Hello Ms Gluyas
    this is my literacy sentence ”next when Darcy and her team landed on the moon they stuck a huge, heavy England flag to show their accomplishment.”

  9. rahma says:

    Darcey had always dreamed about being an astronaut because she was to passionate about the universe and the solar system She knew in her heart that she would travel to space one day and the whole world would remember After years of working hard at school and months and months of exhausting physical training. She finally became an astronaut. Working at the space centre in Houston, Texas. She even had her own team which includes a mathmetician, two technicians, an elecrition and herself. Darcey was the leader of the team and she had to make all the decsicions. Finally,the day came. It was their first misssion to space and they had a extremely important task. It took a couple of days to reach space station but it was a wonderful journey. As soon as the team arrived at their destination. Hope you enjoyed my astronaut pobble. XOXO AMANA

  10. dabba says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas,

    I finished all my work and got new clothes for Eid.

  11. Khaleda647 says:

    Miss Gluyas when i rid my bike without staperliesers i said it was going to be hard but it turned out very easy when my uncle
    helped me he sAid it might take a long time but it took me 2 days and when my uncle let go of me he said Im still holding you but he wasn’t so when I looked at his shadow and saw that he wasn’t holding me Suddenly…. I fell down because I got distracted so i got up and tried again that is how I learned how to ride a bike THE END

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