Friday 22nd May

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13 Responses to Friday 22nd May

  1. marcus says:

    So my computer is infront of my bed and i sit on the bed like a chair for the computer. I sit on the bed for so long its getting kinda squishy beacause of the pressure of me sitting on it and now its kinda uncomfortable for me to do my work >:(

  2. Kryptonicly says:

    So basicaly its kinda 2 groups cos 1 is if your feeling guilty or sad just talk to me and THE OTHER is a playing game on playground AND some exercise. I think it will be really good for the other children so they feel good. PLS LET ME OPEN THE GROUP

  3. Kryptonicly says:

    Rayan has nice hands lololololol

  4. Ozzie says:

    Miss longwa i think i am being hacked on first news because i put in my code it says it’s wrong i use the paper it’s wrong and i have 14000 points it doesn’t work for some reason?????

  5. Yagmur says:

    Miss Longwa
    I do not have a reading journal!

  6. Kimberly says:

    Hi thank you for the learning pack

  7. Kimberly says:

    And miss you gave me aliyah’s pack for first news

  8. XxkaydenxXBOSS says:

    miss longwa can you open a club named crunchie after
    lockdown which is on monday and friday

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