Friday 5th June

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11 Responses to Friday 5th June

  1. XxJudexX YT says:


  2. XxJudexX YT says:

    mISS Why does my comments never be posted it only say waiting for moderation

  3. Jacky says:

    Hey little boy it’s an old man.
    Haven’t talked with you for a while .
    see ya on Monday!  ̄▽ ̄ 😀

  4. Ozzie says:

    Riddle: Candle

  5. Yagmur says:

    Miss longwa
    Are we meant to have are reading journal books or not? Because if we are meant to i don’t have it.

    And have a great day

  6. mega Arif ultra says:

    Ms Longwa I accidently lost my first news login

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