Monday 8th June

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22 Responses to Monday 8th June

  1. Harun says:

    Hi Miss Longwa,
    the week topic is not water,
    Water was last week topic.

  2. Yagmur says:

    Miss Longwa
    i dont understand today’s work

  3. Harun says:

    There are no answers for maths homework.

  4. JZ Tikka Seven says:

    Good Morning Ms. Longwa
    I hope you have a nice day 🙂
    It was my brother’s birthday yesterday :D, he got some fun presents (including a very fun LEGO set) and we played with it.
    From Jupiter

  5. Jacky says:

    Do you need to do the after challenge miss Longwa

  6. mega Arif ultra says:

    Good morning Ms Longwa. Miss it’s week 2 so we are suppose to do the natural world because i’m confused

  7. mega Arif ultra says:

    And miss you forgot the link for the BFG [the big friendly giant] because I don’t have the book

  8. Rayan says:

    Sorry Harun already said it I did not see there was someting wrong with my computer

  9. ZaYaAn ThE lItTlE bOy says:

    The answer is candle

  10. ZaYaAn ThE lItTlE bOy says:

    Oskar how did get it right thats imposibbbbbbbbbbbbble wow you have 11111111111239844444444444444444456546542999 iq

  11. Jacky says:

    hi Rayan

  12. ZaYaAn ThE lItTlE bOy says:

    Let me guess OSKar you looked it up maybe hmmmmmmmmmm

  13. ZaYaAn ThE lItTlE bOy says:

    Let me guess OSKar you looked it up maybe hmmmmmmmmmm or maybe i should post easier riddles

  14. Jacky says:


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