my farwell to rebeca

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15 Responses to my farwell to rebeca

  1. aroman says:

    A lovely message Nadia. Very thoughtful!

  2. stevr says:

    I will miss you to i fell like i want to cry

  3. Kimora says:

    what is happening is rebecca leaving or what????

    • aroman says:

      Rebecca is leaving to go to a school near where she lives Kimora. It is a good thing for her as it means she does not need to travel a long distance anymore, but I know it is sad that she is leaving us.

  4. layla says:

    I will miss her.

  5. stevr says:

    Thank you guys I will miss to i want to cry

  6. mayab says:

    I am going to miss Rebecca I had no idea she was leaving

  7. Ayame says:

    I will miss you too Rebecca

  8. stevr says:

    You are the best techer i ever had in year5 i going to miss you all i kown i wont get to see you guys again i really going to miss you so much

    • aroman says:

      I will miss you too Rebecca… Glad I will get to come and say goodbye to you in a few weeks time when I drive out to your house.

  9. Lana says:

    i never knew that

  10. Lana says:

    aww miss you rebeca

  11. stevr says:

    You guys are so funny and woody it want be the same with out you i will really really really really going miss you guys rebecca

  12. zishan says:

    same nadia same

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