Friday 11th June 2020

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16 Responses to Friday 11th June 2020

  1. DritT says:

    Hello Mr Roman ,
    I don’t think i have done the end of the year report and my name is not there. The reason why i wasn’t active on the first two months is because i didn’t know how to access the blog and i was absent on the last week of school which means i didn’t get the homework. I would like to know where i should be posting the end of the year report.

    Kind Regards
    Drit Trepca

    • aroman says:

      Hi Drit, Yes no problem… Just send your paragraph as a reply to this message – well done.

        • aroman says:

          Thank you Drit… That’s a really lovely paragraph and it’s great to see you on here. How have you been? How was Egypt?? I hope you and the family are well. Mr Roman

          • DritT says:

            It’s actually pretty fun here at Egypt were planning on going to a beach but its going to be with money because of coronavirus but theres a 50% chance that were going. Were still in Egypt while the sun is very hot and sometimes i even tan in the balcony.

          • aroman says:

            Great to hear you are having a nice time and keeping safe Drit. Wish I could go to a beach! Take care and speak again soon!

  2. Retaj says:

    Mr Roman can I send my report in j2e5

  3. Retaj says:

    Mr Roman sometimes when I write some of it gets deleted in the blog

  4. Kimora says:

    mr roman umm i do not know what you mean by the report

  5. mayab says:

    Hi mr Roman one question I tried logging in to first news and it does not work

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