Monday 14th June

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23 Responses to Monday 14th June

  1. XxJudexX YT says:

    hi , why is title 14th. its meant to be 15th. OR DO WE LEARN ON WEEKENDS???????

  2. XxJudexX YT says:

    i will never share my candles… even if its the end of the world if i dont

  3. Ozzie says:

    Wasn’t candle the answer to yesterdays riddle can we have different ridles with different answers PLEASE !!!! i am going mad from oskar

  4. ZaYaAn ThE lItTlE bOy says:

    Why is every riddle answer candle maybe because people like my riddle

  5. Jacky says:

    I don’t know what positive and negative words sound or look like!!! πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

    • tlongwa says:

      positive meaning good and negative meaning bad.So does the BFG intend to say something good (positive) by using the word or bad (negative).

  6. abasa1 says:

    hope your having a great day Aysha

  7. tlongwa says:

    The answer to the riddle is SECRET!!

  8. JZ Tikka Seven says:

    Good Morning Ms. Longwa!
    Yes the answer is Secret, not Candle πŸ˜€
    Have a nice day, from Jupiter

  9. Jacky says:

    hi Jude

  10. Jacky says:

    Hi jude or Kryptonicly

  11. Shriya says:

    What was maths lesson for today because I didn’t understand on the white rose. It said decimals.

  12. Yagmur says:

    Miss Longwa
    i cant spot the words for the literacy

  13. JZ Tikka Seven says:

    Did you know the very most quickest (I am not sure if that is grammatically correct)way to get to the blog is: I like the β€˜cat’ part of the link.

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