Summer 2 W3 Wednesday

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20 Responses to Summer 2 W3 Wednesday

  1. Khaleda647 says:

    Miss Gluyas do we have to copy the story words or copy the story in our own words?

  2. rahma says:

    My favourite sentence is grey clouds are covering the sky and pumice ashes crumbling down on poor Pompeii! Hope you like my sentence! XOXO Amana!

  3. Khaleda647 says:

    miss gluyas can we write the whole story on one page xxxx khaled

  4. moudz says:

    my favorite scentence is there was a earthquake so he went to tell livia

  5. ullaa says:

    my favourite sentence is the mountain furiously let loose its grey fiery ash which surrounded the city of Pompeii

  6. zerrc says:

    Hi miss Gluyas

    The same day the children fell asleep on the boat because there was dust everywhere, as they slept everyone on the boat’s and were terrified as they couldn’t breathe properly because of the ash.

  7. howas says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas,

    my favourite sentence is, Thick grey ash clouds came oozing out of the volcano, overruling the sky.

    xxx From Sophie

  8. Elizabeth says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas,
    My favourite sentence from my story is:
    They cried in fear, their once beloved city of Pompeii had turned to ash.
    Hope you like it

  9. choir says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas I am going to comment on literacy for today.
    Many years past and an old lady holding hands with an old man were standing under an orange tree in Pompeii.
    I hope you love it.
    XXXXX from Rougayatou

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