Year 2 Friday 19th June

Good morning Year 2! 

Yesterday, when I got home from school, I did some baking.  I made a Bakewell Tart which is one of my favourite things to eat!  Sadly, when it was in the oven I was talking to my mum on the phone so the Bakewell Tart got a little bit burnt, but it still tastes yummy!

Here is what you need to go with your home learning pack for today.

Literacy – Writing: Literacy Friday 19th June

Literacy Skills ANSWERS (for your grown ups to check): Sequencing – The Village Green

Maths: Today you have a practical Maths activity to do.  It might also be a good day to do a Mystery Challenge.

Topic Grid Links

Our theme for this week is LONDON.

There are lots of activity ideas in your home learning pack.

Here is a bonus activity, all about London heroes: London Heroes

Bonus Science Activity for this week: Shadow Drawings

RE: Remember to look at the RE blog if you haven’t already.

Have a great day everyone.

Love from Mrs Legg

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9 Responses to Year 2 Friday 19th June

  1. dorec says:

    Hi Mrs Legg,
    how was yesterday? Did you watch any more STAR WARS movies?

  2. tanm says:

    Good Morning Mrs Legg. 🙂

  3. kirke1 says:

    Dear Miss Legg

    I was just looking at the mystery challenge and there was missing pages.


  4. dorec says:

    Hi Mrs Legg
    In literacy you said the caterpillar falls in love with the caterpillar instead of the caterpillar falls in love with the tadpole!

    • Mrs Legg says:

      Hi Christian! Sorry about that mistake. I made all the slides for this week in one go so I must have been tired by the time I got to Friday! I haven’t watched another Star Wars film yet. We haven’t watched a film in a while so it’s my turn to choose one this weekend (which means we probably won’t watch Star Wars)!

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