Year 2 Grammar Tips

Hello Year 2,

I know that some of you have been working very hard on your grammar activities at home and have asked for a little help understanding it all.

Here are two documents you might find useful.  The first one is for you and explains what some of the words mean in a way that children can understand.  The second one is for your grown-ups and explains all of the grammar that children learn in school in Year 1 and Year 2.

Grammar Gang posters for children

Grammar explanations for adults

You don’t have to do anything with this, it’s just there for you to read if you would like some extra help.

Any questions, just ask.

Love from Mrs Legg

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3 Responses to Year 2 Grammar Tips

  1. tanm says:

    good morning Mrs Legg

  2. tanm says:

    I liked the call and I saw Rhonda when we were going to get my homework!

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