Summer 2 W4 Friday

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20 Responses to Summer 2 W4 Friday

  1. Khaleda647 says:

    miss gluyas do we have to write a sentence for our estimation?

  2. Khaleda647 says:

    Miss Gluyas I went to the beach yesterday and I made a big hole in the sand it was really fun

  3. islaa says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas I enjoyed the cross word very much. It is the first crossword I’ve done. My sentences are. There is a big whale in the sea. They’re coming to a sleep over at my house . Their house is amazing.

  4. zerrc says:

    Hi miss Gluyas this is my sentences for today:

    In Summer, they’re going on holiday.
    I found their secret hideouts.
    There are few pupils in my school.
    Have a lovely weekend:-)

  5. choir says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas I am going to comment on literacy for today.
    There are so many interesting paintings.
    They’re so many animals in the zoo.
    Their hats are amazing.
    I had 9/10 for spelling!
    XXXXXX from Rougayatou

  6. zerrc says:

    Miss Gluyas I don’t know how to do the crossword of the homophones ;(

  7. choir says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas, I realised I made a mistake on one of my sentence, this is the correct one,
    They’re going to see so many animals in the zoo.
    XXXXXX from Rougayatou

  8. zerrc says:

    Miss Gluyas for the topic I did the relaxing sound it was calm and helped me cleared my mind and it was so relaxing I imagined I was in outer space in the nebula my mum and little brother were sleeping because of the sound. 🙂

  9. ullaa says:

    Miss gluas
    I dont get the homophone.

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