Summer 2 W5 Monday

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12 Responses to Summer 2 W5 Monday

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Dear Miss Gluyas,
    I liked the story but I didn’t understand some words so I looked them up and now I know what they mean.
    From Elizabeth

  2. zerrc says:

    Hi miss Gluyas this is what I thought about the story

    It was very funny and interesting also it made me very curious who stole the branches of the tree and there was a lot of team work.

    Have a good day miss Gluyas bye

  3. choir says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas I really liked the story because it is about the environment and how animals need trees to live.
    Animals need trees to live just like us.

  4. rahma says:

    I liked the story because the animals helped the bear out of making a paper aeroplane.

  5. ullaa says:

    Ms Gluyas i still didn’t get my home learning pack through the post but i can still do literacy what should i do

    • mgluyas says:

      Unless you live far away, you should be able to pick it up from school. Call the office and see where your pack is.

  6. islaa says:

    I like the story because the bear helped the other animal grow back the trees.

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