Hola Reception y Nursery!!! Hoy es Viernes 3 de Julio,2020.

Buenos dias a todos, we have a new topic for this week, “Aire”-air. Let’s start singing “Los pulmones”-The lungs…Learn this song.

Check the lyrics:

¡Inhala! ¡Exhala!= inhale -exhale

¡Inhala y exhala!

¡Inhala! ¡Exhala!


¡Somos los pulmones! ¡Sí!= we are the lungs, yes!


Pulmones se agrandan.= lungs are big


Pulmones se achican. lungs are small

Sopla un globo y sale aire del pulmón= blow a balloon and the air goes out from your lungs

¡A respirar! ¡Somos pulmones!= let’s breathe, we are the lungs!!!

Reception and Nursery: L.O: to name transports in Spanish.


Activities: guess the transport. Click below…

Guess the transport

Click and download. You can color or you can draw.


Adios, MR. Gonzalo


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