Literacy work today

Good Morning Year 6

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are now ready to do some more learning this morning.  For the last 2 weeks of this term we are going to be doing some transition work, getting you all ready for your journey on to your secondary school.

As the rest of All Souls are writing letters to their new teachers today, we would like the children in Year 6 to do the same and write individual letters to the Head of Year 7 at their new school.

In your letter you should begin by introducing yourself, saying a bit about yourself and which school your are currently at.

You should then go on to write about what your favourite subjects are in school and why and what you feel your greatest achievements have been this year in Year 6.  You should also include some information about the things you like doing outside of school (clubs,etc).

Finish your letter by saying what you will miss about All Souls, but what you are looking forward to most of all about moving on to secondary school.

If you are working at home please ask your parents to send a copy of the letter to school so that we can print it off.  We will then send all of the letters on your behalf to your new schools.

Mrs Plesniak.

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2 Responses to Literacy work today

  1. souto says:

    Good morning Mrs Plesniak, how should we send the letter to school?

    • tcooley says:

      Hi Olivia,

      I have answered on behalf of Mrs Plesniak in my other response.

      Miss Cooley x

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