Year 2 Monday 6th July

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19 Responses to Year 2 Monday 6th July

  1. miaha1 says:

    Hello Miss Gluyas, I am excited to be in your class next year.

  2. tanm says:

    Dear Mrs. Gluyas My Name Is Mia. I am 7 years old and I love animals. I like writing too. I am looking forward to going to year 3 but I am going to miss being a year 2. My favorite animal is a horse. I want a wild horse but my dad said if I want a horse I need to live in the countryside! From Mia. p.s (I am on the computer) πŸ˜‰

  3. goddv says:

    Goodmorning mrs gluyas I’m looking forward to having you as my teacher,it’s my little sisters birthday today she is two.

  4. tanm says:

    Hi Year 3 world

  5. tanm says:

    Good Morning Mrs Gluyas what is it like in year 3? Is there VERY VERY had work?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  6. Yagmur says:

    Good morning mrs mgluyas
    is it realy fun in year 3

  7. bradk says:

    Hi Miss Gluyas! This is Kaiya. I am really excited to hear that you are my year 3 teacher! I hope you remember me from eco committee. I am glad we will be learning about ancient Greece and I have also always wanted to learn about the stone age.

    • mgluyas says:

      Of course I remember you! I am excited for you to be in my class and learn these topics too πŸ™‚

  8. tanm says:

    I am Mia. I am 7 years old. I live with my mom, dad, and brother. I am from Malaysia. My favorite lesson at school is Spanish because we get to do coloring. In year 3 I want to improve on Writing and maths! My friends are Edie and Elleen. Outside of school, I play with my friends and talk sometimes about what we did on the weekends or what to play or talk about what we play on the phone or Ipad. A funny fact about me is I like to talk a lot! What will our classroom look like? From Mia

  9. melvm says:

    Hello mrs gluyas I am Macie and I like to do art because I do it at home.I play the piano do gymnastics dance and I sing with my sister.I am 7 year old I am 8 in September. I am happy to be in year three because when it’s play time we are going up the stairs to the school roof

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