Tuesday 7th July

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14 Responses to Tuesday 7th July

  1. I am jude yay says:

    Hello guys -o-

  2. Shriya says:

    Hi Miss Longwa
    We already did this maths worksheet yesterday.

  3. Ozzie says:

    Miss Longwa we did this math lesson yesterday with Mr Roman

  4. Jacky says:

    Hi Miss Longwa,
    Why are we going onto vimeo?

  5. JZ Tikka Seven says:

    Good Morning Ms. Longwa!
    Here is a VERY cute pic for you https://tenor.com/view/dog-doggo-heart-cute-adorable-gif-17679665
    I Hope you have the most wonderful, most fantastic, most joyful day.
    ʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔ\ (•◡•) / 🙂
    From Jupiter.
    PS: If anyone wants to know how all the grammar is correct in my comments, is because I use a special keyboard it also allows me to do these:\ (•◡•) /
    PPS: I think we did the maths yesterday

  6. Jacky says:

    That was yesterdays math ._.

  7. Harun says:

    Hi Ms Long
    I did this maths homework yesterday.


    : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : )

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