Hola Year 4, Hoy es Jueves 9 de Julio,2020.

Buenos dias chicos y chicas, this week we have a new topic, “La comida saludable”– Healthy food. You need to eat 5 “frutas” -fruits and “vegetales” – vegetables everyday. “Cual es tu fruta favorita? Mi fruta favorita es la fresa y la naranja” (Which is your favourite fruit? My favourite fruit is the strawberry and the orange. “Cual es tu vegetal favorito? mi vegetal favorito es el apio y la espinaca”- (which is your favourite vegetable? my favourite vegetable is celery and spinach). Click the video and choose two fruits and two vegetables.Practice these questions and answers. Try to learn the new vocabulary.



Year 4: L.O : to learn and name healthy food in Spanish. To learn about the “Food Pyramid”. Click , read and LEARN about “La Piramide de la Comida”-“The Food Pyramid”. 



Food pyramid poster-check


Activity: Draw and label your own

“La Piramide de la Comida”-“The Food Pyramid”.

Follow my example. Check the new Spanish vocabulary that you need to use. Click  and check…





Adios, do your activities, MR.Valenzuela

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