Buenos Dias Year 2!!! Hoy es Miércoles 11 de Noviembre,2020

Hola Buenos dias? Que tal? (how are you?) muy bien / mas o menos/ muy mal!!! Let’s sing “Hola , Como estas? “. Try to sing and use the new vocabulary.

“Que tiempo hace? (what is the weather like? ). Check the video and learn the new vocabulary.Repeat.

Oral activity: Make a dialogue with your learning partner. Use the following questions and answers. Use  your white board to write your answers. Ask some children to perform the dialogue in front of the class.

  1. Como estas? (how are you?) estoy maravilloso/estoy estupendo/estoy bien.

  2. Como te llamas? me llamo_____ (name)

  3. Cuantos anos tienes? tengo__anos (age)

  4. Que tiempo hace? hace ____ (What is the weather like?)

Miercoles 11 de Noviembre,2020.

L.O: to express my feelings.


Hoy estoy feliz y entusiasmado.  Today I am happy and excited.)

Remember: ending in “O” for boys and “A” for girls. For example: Tom “estoy enojadO”, Mary “estoy enojadA”.

Oral: ask children to use “Estoy (I am…) __________y _____________(choose two feelings from the new vocabulary). Reinforce previous grammar point.

1. sad= triste

2. happy= feliz

3. angry= enojado/a

4. tired= cansado/a

5. surprised= sorprendido/a

6. scared= asustado/a

7. excited= entusiasmado/a

8. worried= preocupado/da

Check the video and try to learn and sing the song. Repeat.


Written activity: print the new cover and glue it on a new page.

Bravery and fear


New page, write date and L.O:

Miercoles 11 de Noviembre,2020.
L.O: to express my feelings.

Create your own face. Write a little paragraph about you. Follow my example. Click below and print. Make copies for the class.

make your face activity_1

“Me llamo_____(name).


Hoy Martes , estoy___________y_____________

(add feelings).”

Extension: check this powerpoint to reinforce the new vocabulary.




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