Hola Butterflies and Caterpillar!!!! Buenos Dias. Hoy es Viernes13 de Noviembre,2020.

Hola!!! Que tal? muy bien / mas o menos / muy mal (Hello, how are you? very well/ ok / bad. Ask the children to use question and answer. Model the activity. Let’s start singing “Hola”.

Now , let’s carry on with “Hola , como estas?”. Sing a long and ask the children to do the actions.

After  singing : tell to your friend next to you Muy bien !!! 

Let’s say the numbers up to ten. Ask children to count up to 10, they need to show you the fingers. UNO- DOS- TRES- CUATRO- CINCO- SEIS- SIETE- OCHO- NUEVE- DIEZ. Do it twice. Now play the song and encourage children to sing along with you.

Oral activity: L.O: to introduce yourself.

Ask the children

Como te llamas? Me llamo __(my name is).  Encourage children to use the question and answer. Ask some children to perform in front of f the class.

Extension: ask children to use Que tal? muy bien/ mas o menos/ muy mal + Como te llamas? me llamo_____.


Days of the week activity: “Days of the week song”- “Los dias de la semana”. Revise days of the week LUNES- MARTES- MIERCOLES- JUEVES- VIERNES- SABADO- DOMINGO. Play the song. Expect Butterflies to sing along.

Check the video related to the days of the week. Encourage the children to start learning and singing the new song. Repeat.


End the session with this story. “El Regalo”.



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