Hola Year 1, Martes 12 de Enero,2021.

Buenos dias , que tal? muy bien, mas o menos, muy mal. Como te llamas? me llamo____, Cuantos anos tienes? tengo __anos (uno,dos,tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho , nueve , diez).

Let”s revise:

“Donde vives? Vivo en Londres, Inglaterra. ( where do you live? I live in London, England.)”

Let’s revise the song:

Como esta el clima en Londres? what is the weather like?


  1. esta soleado= it is sunny

  2. esta lluvioso= it is rainy

  3. esta ventoso= it is windy

  4. esta nublado= it is cloudy

  5. es un dia hermoso= it is a beautiful

  6. esta caluroso= it is hot

  7. esta frio= it is cold

  8. esta neblinoso= bad weather

  9. esta nevando= it is snowy

Let’s go around London, check my pictures. Click below.

fotos london 2

Martes 12 de Enero,2021

L.O: to identify places from London in Spanish.

Now , let’s check  some of them in Spanish:

  1. El Ojo de Londres= The London Eye

  2. El Big Ben= Big Ben

  3. El Rio Tamesis= The Thames river

  4. La Plaza de Trafalgar= Trafalgar square

  5. El Museo Britanico= The British Museum

  6. El Zoo= the Zoo

  7. La Catedral San Pablo= St. Paul Cathedral.

Writing activity: you will need piece of paper. Write date and L.O at the top. You are going to write a letter to friend:

” Hola, ______(write the name of your friend, any friend).

 Me llamo______y tengo__anos. (your name and age).

Vivo en Londres, Inglaterra.

Hoy esta __________y_______(describe the weather using previous vocabulary).

Hoy visitare :________________,____________________,_______________y________________(choose 4 places to visit in London. Use Spanish language).

Adios,______(write your name).

Draw a picture below your writing and include these places. Color it and bring it to the school. We will glue it in our Spanish books.

Adios, Mr Gonzalo

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