Author Archives: gvalenzuela

Buenos Dias Eyfs, hoy es Viernes 5 de Marzo, 2021

Hola  a todos!!! Como estas ? (how are you?) muy bien, mas o menos, mal…

This week we are celebrating “El Dia del Libro”– “Book Day”. We will read a story using colours. Let’s check  colours…

  1. azul= blue

  2. rojo= red

  3. verde= green

  4. amarillo= yellow

  5. blanco= white

  6. negro= black

  7. marron= brown

  8. violeta/ morado= purple

  9. rosa= pink

  10. naranja= orange

Let’s revise SPANISH … try to sing and follow me…

Now, are u ready to listen to the story? “Pete el gato (I love my white shoes)”.

Check the story in English.

Adios, MR. Gonzalo

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Buenos Dias EYFS, Viernes 26 Febrero,2021

Buenos dias !!!  Hola , hola Que tal? muy bien, maravilloso, estupendo!!!

Hola!!! follow my video and try to sing along. Revise the vocabulary.

Let’s finish with this beautiful video about pets. Check the vocabulary.


  1. tengo…= I have a…

  2. un perro= a dog

  3. un gato= a cat

  4. un pajaro= a bird

  5. un conejo= a rabbit

  6. una tortuga= a turtle


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Buenos Dias EYFS- Hoy es Viernes 12 de Febrero

Hola , Que tal? muy bien, estoy maravilloso, estoy mal… check the video and sing along.

Let’s revise Spanish, check my revision video that I did for Year 1- KS1. You can follow my video easily. Try to repeat and sing.

On Sunday 14th of February , we are celebrating  “El Dia de SanValentin”- Valentine Day. Please check this beautiful story about friendship.

Have a great time with your family,

Adios MR. Gonzalo Valenzuela

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Hola EYFS, Hoy es Viernes 5 de Febrero,2021

Buenos dias !!!  Hola , hola Que tal? muy bien, maravilloso, estupendo!!!

Check our new song and try to learn it!!! 

Como te llamas? me llamo________( your name)
Cuantos anos tienes? tengo___anos (your age)
uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez

Viernes 5 de Febrero,2021

L.O: to say full sentences using  “Los Dias de la Semana” -days of the week in Spanish. 

Check the new vocabulary:

  1.  Hoy es _____( today is…)

  2. Ayer fue______( yesterday was…)

  3. Manana sera____(tomorrow will be…)

Revise “Los Dias de la Semana”.

  1. Lunes= Monday

  2. Martes= Tuesday

  3. Miercoles= Wednesday

  4. Thursday= Jueves

  5. Viernes= Friday

  6. Sabado= Saturday

  7. Domingo= Sunday

  8. Try to say  and sing “Los Dias de la Semana ” in Spanish- Espanol.

Finish the lesson with this game.

Adios, MR Gonzalo Valenzuela


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Buenos Dias EYFS!!! Hoy es Viernes 29 de Enero,2021

Buenos dias !!! Hola!!

Que tal? muy bien, mas o menos, muy mal. (how are you? very good, so so, bad).


Como te llamas? me llamo________( your name)
Cuantos anos tienes? tengo___anos (your age)
uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez

Let’s revise colours

Rojo= red
Azul= blue
Amarillo= yellow
Verde = green
Naranja= orange
Blanco= white
Negro= black
Violeta= purple
Marron= brown

Now , you can use:

“Me gusta ____________y_____________ (I like + two colours in Spanish). For example:
“Me gusta azul y verde”- I like blue and green. Check the video.

Viernes 29 de Enero,2021

L.O: to say the days of the week in Spanish.

Que dia es hoy? Hoy es________(what day is today? it is ______).


Check the song and try to sing along.

Let’s finish with this new video

Adios, MR. Gonzalo Valenzuela




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Hola EYFS!!! Hoy es Viernes 22 de Enero,2021

Buenos dias !!! Hola!!!

Que tal? muy bien, mas o menos, muy mal.
Como te llamas? me llamo________( your name)
Cuantos anos tienes? tengo___anos (your age)

“uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez”

Try to learn the song.Let’s revise fruits.

“Me gusta_________y_____________ (I like______and______choose 2 fruits from my video)

Viernes 22 de Enero,2021

L.O: to say my favourite color in Spanish.

Check my vocabulary:

  1. Rojo= red

  2.  Azul= blue

  3.  Amarillo= yellow

  4.  Verde = green

  5.  Naranja= orange

  6.  Blanco= white

  7.  Negro= black

  8.  Violeta= purple

  9.  Marron= brownCheck my video.

Now , you can use “Me gusta ____________y_____________ (I like + two colors in Spanish). For example:

“Me gusta azul y verde”- I like blue and green.

Adios , MR Valenzuela.

Posted in Spanish with Mr Gonzalo | Leave a comment

Hola EYFS, hoy es Viernes 15 de Enero,2021

Buenos dias !!! Que tal? muy bien, mas o menos, muy mal.

Como te llamas? me llamo________( your name)

Cuantos anos tienes? tengo___anos (your age)

Let’s start singing and doing the actions!!!

Viernes 15 de Enero,2021

L.O: to name fruits and vegetables in Spanish.

“Me gusta_________y_____________ (I like______and______choose 2 fruits from my video)

Now , try to say the new sentence and name some fruits in Spanish. Repeat, the video.

“Me gusta_______________y_______”

Let’s finish with this game. Are you ready?

Adios, MR.Gonzalo

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Hola Year 1, Martes 12 de Enero,2021.

Buenos dias , que tal? muy bien, mas o menos, muy mal. Como te llamas? me llamo____, Cuantos anos tienes? tengo __anos (uno,dos,tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho , nueve , diez).

Let”s revise:

“Donde vives? Vivo en Londres, Inglaterra. ( where do you live? I live in London, England.)”

Let’s revise the song:

Como esta el clima en Londres? what is the weather like?


  1. esta soleado= it is sunny

  2. esta lluvioso= it is rainy

  3. esta ventoso= it is windy

  4. esta nublado= it is cloudy

  5. es un dia hermoso= it is a beautiful

  6. esta caluroso= it is hot

  7. esta frio= it is cold

  8. esta neblinoso= bad weather

  9. esta nevando= it is snowy

Let’s go around London, check my pictures. Click below.

fotos london 2

Martes 12 de Enero,2021

L.O: to identify places from London in Spanish.

Now , let’s check  some of them in Spanish:

  1. El Ojo de Londres= The London Eye

  2. El Big Ben= Big Ben

  3. El Rio Tamesis= The Thames river

  4. La Plaza de Trafalgar= Trafalgar square

  5. El Museo Britanico= The British Museum

  6. El Zoo= the Zoo

  7. La Catedral San Pablo= St. Paul Cathedral.

Writing activity: you will need piece of paper. Write date and L.O at the top. You are going to write a letter to friend:

” Hola, ______(write the name of your friend, any friend).

 Me llamo______y tengo__anos. (your name and age).

Vivo en Londres, Inglaterra.

Hoy esta __________y_______(describe the weather using previous vocabulary).

Hoy visitare :________________,____________________,_______________y________________(choose 4 places to visit in London. Use Spanish language).

Adios,______(write your name).

Draw a picture below your writing and include these places. Color it and bring it to the school. We will glue it in our Spanish books.

Adios, Mr Gonzalo

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Buenos días!!! Martes 5 de Enero,2021

Hola chicos “Como estas? estoy maravilloso, estoy estupendo…Ask someone in your family “Como estas? ” teach them the next song.

Martes 5 de Enero, 2021

L.o: to describe the weather in London.

Revise the next question and answer: “Donde vives? Vivo en Londres, Inglaterra. ( where do you live? I live in London, England.)”

Check the song and learn the new vocabulary.

Como esta el clima en Londres? what is the weather like?


  1. esta soleado= it is sunny

  2. esta lluvioso= it is rainy

  3. esta ventoso= it is windy

  4. esta nublado= it is cloudy

  5. es un dia hermoso= it is a beautiful

  6. esta caluroso= it is hot

  7. esta frio= it is cold

  8. esta neblinoso= bad weather

  9. esta nevando= it is snowy

Check the next flash cards and increase your vocabulary


Choose 3 pictures and write a sentence for  each one. You can download and color or you can draw . You need to write for each one the next sentences in Spanish (click below to find your pictures).



“Hola, me llamo _______(name/make up a name for each child). Vivo en Londres.

Hoy _______________y_____________( choose the best two words to describe the weather, use previous vocabulary).” 

Bring your pictures when the school is opening. We will glue them in our Spanish book.


MR Valenzuela.


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Hola Year 1, Hoy es Martes 24 de Noviembre,2020.

Hola!!! Que tal? muy bien / mas o menos / muy mal (Hello, how are you? very well/ ok / bad.

Buenos Dias!!! – Good Morning. Let’s start singing Los Saludos-“The Greeting Song”.

Hoy es Martes 23 de Noviembre, 2020

L.O: to describe my favourite superhero, using adjectives. Revision.

Let’ watch this video – song. It is a song about our own Superheroe that we have in our hearts. We can do everything because we are powerful!!!

Check the new vocabulary and try to learn it by heart.
Adjectives: remember if you are a boy the adjective ends in “O”, Tom es bonitO (Tom is beautiful). if you are a girl the adjective ends in “A”, Mary es bonitA (Mary is beautiful).

Yo soy…(I am…) “Yo soy bonito, grande y rápido” (I am beautiful, big and fast) .

Use Yo soy…+ adjectives and describe yourself.

1. feo/a= ugly
2. bonita/o= beautiful
3. gordo/a= fat
4. delgado/a= thin
5. rapido/a= fast
6. lento/a= slow
7. alto/a= tall
8. bajo/a= short
9. grande (boy or girl-use the same one)= big
10. amistoso/a= friendly
11. viejo/a= old
12. nuevo/a= new
13. moderno/a= modern

Check my paragraph:

“Hola, me llamo Gonzalo (hi, my name is Gonzalo).

Tengo 40 anos (I am 40 years old).

Vivo en Londres ,Inglaterra ( I live in London, England).

Mi superheroe favorito es Superman porque es alto, rapido y amistoso  ( my favourite superheroe is Superman because he is tall, fast and friendly)”.

Did you draw your Superhero picture? did you write your own paragraph? (activity from last week -here at the Year 1 blog).

Take pictures holding your superhero. The paragraph must be written at the front-next to the picture or on one corner of the paper). Send your pictures at

Learn this song and try to make up your own actions.

Let’s finish singing the Water song- La cancion del Agua. Agua= water. Let’s be superheroes and save the planet!!!


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