RE with Trevor w/b Monday 27th April

Hello everyone 🙂

Welcome to the All Souls RE blog.  RE and Collective Worship are such important parts of what we do at All Souls, and I know that lots of you really enjoy it, so I hope you’ll be as excited as we are that we can keep going with it on here!

Every week, there will be a new video from Trevor for you to watch.  Easter was not very long ago and we are going to be learning about what happened after Jesus rose from the dead.  We’re going to be learning stories from the New Testament Bible book called Acts.  Trevor will tell you more…


1. Who wrote the book of Acts?  What else did he write?

2. What does the word “gospel” mean?

3. What are some of the miracles Jesus did?

4. Why is Jesus’ death so important for Christians?

5. What do Christians believe happened on Easter Sunday?  Why is that so important to them?

Once you’ve watched the video, you might want to write a prayer about what you’ve learnt.  If you would like to, please share your prayer in the comments here.  I’m looking forward to reading them!

Love from Mrs Legg

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19 Responses to RE with Trevor w/b Monday 27th April

  1. Jaber says:

    1. Luke wrote the book of Acts and the book of Luke.

    2. It means Jesus’ life, it is also about his death and about how he escaped death.

    3. Calming the storm and feeding 5000 people with a boys packed lunch.

    4. It is important to Christian because all the sins we committed were on him.

    5. Jesus rose to heaven and shows that Jesus is God.

  2. Aidan says:

    1) Luke wrote the book of acts
    2) The life of Jesus, his death and resurrection, the relaxation of Christ and something absolutely true
    3) Turn water into wine, feed thousands of people with just a boys packed lunch, come back from the dead, calm down storms
    4) Because when he died he put all the sins of everyone on himself and died for us to be forgiven and that it was God’s plan and that Jesus was the saviour
    5) He rose from the dead and went to heaven, he is God and our saviour and that we should follow his path
    – Aidan Yr6

  3. JZ Tikka Seven says:

    Dear God,
    Help us to forgive our sins and keep peaceful, I wish for everyone to be well, positive and happy during Covid-19

    Amen Jupiter

  4. steet says:

    Dear God,
    I am writing to you to ask to help others get though lockdown and Covid-19 safe.
    I also pray that the NHS stay strong and healthy

  5. blacl says:

    Dear God thank you for Easter and giving us new life. We pray for all the NHS workers and people who work to help us, like bin men and post men and women. Thank you for the teachers for sending us work. Please keep all of us safe Amen.

  6. tino says:

    Dear God,

    Thank you for everything you gave us and please forgive us for anything we have done and please help us in the situation we find ourselves in.


  7. Elizabeth says:

    Dear God,
    Thank you for keeping us safe through these difficult times. Keep my friends and family safe too and keep us strong until we can see them again.

  8. rahma says:

    Dear God,

    Please keep our loved ones safe and I hope we get to see them again. Amen

  9. nabak says:

    Dear God,
    Please continue to guide and protect us from all the odds of the world . Thank you for helping us in hard times.

  10. wirse says:

    Dear God
    Thank you for sending your son to save our souls. May we pray to you and remember you.

  11. lynae says:

    [1] The book of Luke
    {2} The Gospels tell us about Jesus’s life
    [3] Turning water into wine, healing a leaper and calming a storm
    {4} Because he died for our sins
    [5] Jesus rose from his death and forgave our sins

  12. lynae says:

    that should have said Eli !

  13. nabak says:

    Dear God
    Thank you for teaching us the story of yours and your father’s life.

  14. islaa says:

    Dear God

    Hope you are well
    Please answer our prayers
    Please help people stay clam
    Please keep everyone safe and happy
    Please make sure those how who are less fortunate have enough food and water

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