Buenos dias!!! Hoy es Lunes. Esta nublado y hace frio!!!

Hola chicos y chicas, Que tal? Yo muy bien. I had a fantastic “Fin de Semana”_weekend.

Year 3 , I want you to do the next activity- Spanish. Draw a house with its parts in Spanish. Follow my model.


Then, write and complete the next paragraph, you will need an extra paper: ” Hola, me llamo___, tengo__anos. Vivo en Londres. Yo soy ___y____(adjetives-feo,bonito,etc). Yo como en ___(I eat in the …), Yo duermo en___(I sleep in…), Yo leo en ____(I read in …), Yo juego en ____(I play in the…), Yo canto en__(I sing in the…), Yo cocino en___(I cook in the…), Yo veo T.V en____(I watch TV in the…).  Complete with the new vocabulary-parts of a house in Spanish.

Extension: write two more sentences in Spanish. You can write about pets, colors, food, etc.

 DO NOT forget to write your class, name and date in Spanish-“Hoy es Lunes 27 de Abril,2020”

Art: last week I asked you to do a “Comic ” at Busy Things. Now, I want you to do a “POP-UP BOOK” using the same comic or you can do whatever you want. It could be any story, any character, for example: “A Super Hero  pop up book”. It must have 6 pages.You need to draw pictures and decorate your book.You have two weeks to do it. Take pictures and upload them at our school website. Do you remember we learnt some techniques to do it?


Check the techniques we learnt at the school.

Dear children, I will be blogging your Spanish activities here. So, check everyday and write a message for me. Adios!!! MR. Gonzalo

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1 Response to Buenos dias!!! Hoy es Lunes. Esta nublado y hace frio!!!

  1. Aidan says:

    Holla, I will look forward to the activity, hope that you are well, Que tiempo hace?
    I wish for you and your family to be safe, to be strong and happy.
    Estoy estupendo. Que tal?
    – Aidan Yr6

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