Tuesday 28th April 2020

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9 Responses to Tuesday 28th April 2020

  1. Ivan says:

    Hello Mr Roman
    I don’t know whether anyone else is having this problem or if it is because I am on a very slow computer but it won’t let me watch the white rose maths video or the literacy video.

    • Ivan says:

      It started working again.

    • aroman says:

      Hi Ivan. It may be because the internet is very busy…
      Make sure you are clicking on the link, not the picture, that is just a picture not a link…
      Also, if the link does not work, go to Whiterosemaths.com, home learning year 5, and find it that way. Well done.

  2. layla says:

    Hello Mr. Roman!
    It was so nice to see you yesterday, thank you so much for coming. So far I have done my maths and literacy and after my short break I am going to do my lava lamp. Can you believe that when we started lock down for the first week, because we hadn’t got our packs, my mum organised a week of learning about the Egyptians and now I am a wiz at the Egyptians!

  3. Retaj says:

    Hi , Mr Roman I missed yesterday’s literacy lesson I can’t find it anywhere can you help me.

    • aroman says:

      The literacy is on the blog Retaj… You must read the whole blog every morning using the scroll bar on the right. It’s below the maths…?

  4. Retaj says:

    Mr Roman can you tell me the questions for 28 of April literacy I’ve tried my best to best to hear but it did not work

    • aroman says:

      To make the world a better place what would you promise? Write a paragraph with the same starter that the lady uses on the clip…
      ‘To make the world a better place, we should………………………………………………………………………….. because. We could also………………………………………………………

      And then write some promises to the world, in your book, like she does in the video.

      Try to use headphones and make sure all volume levels are on 100 percent.

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