Buenos dias!!! Hoy es Lunes, hace sol y buen tiempo!

Hola y bienvenidos! I hope you are “muy , muy bien”. Let’s start singing “Los dias de la semana” , sing along with your family. Teach Spanish to your family. “Aqui vamos , Hoy es …(today is…), Ayer fue…( yesterday), Manana sera..(tomorrow). Check the video , it is a new version.

Year 3 activity: Hoy es Lunes 4 de Mayo,2020. L.O:  to be able to recycle in the right recycling bin. Dear children this week , we are going to start a new topic “Reciclar”- recycling. Oral activity:  Let’s start singing “La cancion del agua”. You need to learn the song by heart. Teach the song to your family and sing the whole day.

Check and learn “Mi vocabulario”-my vocabulary: “Plastico”- plastic, “Latas”-can, “Vidrio”-glass, “Papel y carton”- paper and card, “Ropa”- clothes, “Cosas reusables”- reusable items, “Basura en general”-waste services, “Abono”-compost. 

Writing activity: sort out my rubbish. You can print the activity or you can draw on an extra paper. Write your name , class, L.O and date in Spanish. You need to cut , glue and color. Then , choose 2 objects of each recycling bin and write full sentences, follow my example: “Yo reciclo (I recycle) manzana(apple-object) en el Abono (in the compost). You need to write 2 sentences for each recycling bin. Maybe , you will need to find out the meaning of some words. You will need a dictionary, you can use “wordreference” on line. Click and download the activity.


Art: carry on with your pop up book. It can be any story you want, any character. You need to write full sentences to tell the story, you can use speech bubbles. Be careful with your spelling. You need to color and decorate. Next week, it must be ready, ok!!!

Ok , have a great day and do your activities

MR. Gonzalo.

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2 Responses to Buenos dias!!! Hoy es Lunes, hace sol y buen tiempo!

  1. mufc yasir- 08 says:

    Hello Mr.Gonzalo.
    For the year6 homework that you gave us I did everything but I didn’t translate the play because when I tried to open the link you gave us, I couldn’t view it


    • gvalenzuela says:

      Hola Yasir, so so so sorry “lo siento” for my late answer. I just forgot it but it is never too late. Aidan did all his activities. Ask him how he did it!!! I mean to download the activities.Adios MR. Gonzalo.

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