RE with Trevor Week 2


  1. Why could the book of Acts be called “Mission Unstoppable”?
  2. What does Jesus tell his disciples to do when he has gone back to heaven?
  3. Why were there people from all over the world in Jerusalem?
  4. Who do Christians believe came to the world at Pentecost?
  5. What two things happened that symbolised the coming of the Holy Spirit?
  6. How did the Holy Spirit change the disciples?

If you would like to, write a prayer based on today’s story and share it in the comments for us all to see.

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9 Responses to RE with Trevor Week 2

  1. Jaber says:

    1. It is because with God on their side they could accomplish any dream into reality.

    2. To continue telling people they are forgiven if they believe.

    3. Because it was Pentecost.

    4. God the holy spirit.

    5. T

  2. Jaber says:

    Sorry accidentally published it.

    This is the end of it.

    5. There was flames on their heads and they could hear wind.

    6. It made the disciples from shy to bold.

  3. mufc yasir- 08 says:

    1. Because it is trying to tell us that if you believe in God then you can do anything.
    2. to tell people that God will forgive you if you believe.
    3. Because it was Pentecost.
    4. God
    5. there was fire on their heads and they could hear the wind whistling.
    6. It changed them from being scared to being bold.

  4. Tianafsd says:

    1.i think Trevor called the story “Mission unstoppable” because no one should stop people from spreading the news about Jesus to the end of the world
    2.jesus told the disciples to wait at Jerusalem
    3.people from all of the world were at Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost
    4.people from all over the world came to celebrate Pentecost
    5.To celebrate Pentecost wind blew and fire sat on top of everyone’s head
    6. Because the Holy Spirit was inside the disciples they became from scared to bold

  5. blacl says:

    Thank you Jesus for coming on Pentecost. Thank you for the Holy Spirit and for giving us love Amen.

  6. rahma says:

    Dear God, please keep the world safe.Ameen

  7. ullaa says:

    Dear God, please keep us all safe from this virus. Ameen

  8. wirse says:

    Dear God,
    Thank you that Peter had the courage to tell 300 people about Jesus.

  9. kurmr says:

    1.It could be called that because if you believe and out your heart to god,you can do anything.
    2.because that God will forgive your sins if you believe.
    3.It is because of Pentecost.
    4.It is of course God.
    5.There was fire and could hear the hustling of the wind
    6.It made them from being really scared to bold

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